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Entries from February 24th, 2011

Organic Loses Out On Vitamins And Antioxidants

February 24th, 2011 · No Comments · Garden Plants, Gardening News

I’ve just come across a recent study that claims that vegetables grown using chemical fertilizers contain more vitamins and so may be better for you than organic produce. This is a report by the British consumer magazine Which? and has caused some consternation among organic gardeners. The claims follow a two year study growing potatoes, [...]



Aquaponics, Ground Cover And Crape Myrtle Murder

February 18th, 2011 · No Comments · Garden Plants, Gardening News

Maybe you think it’s still too cold, but “There are actually many tasks that need to be done in February to kick off a great growing season” according to Susan Owens a Celina resident and a Collin County Master Gardener. She recommends you should start with a soil test and then complete your pruning before [...]



Moles, Slugs And Compost

February 11th, 2011 · No Comments · Gardening News

Did you know that pound-for-pound the common garden mole is more efficient than the 642-ton Emerald Mole tunneling machine? While the Emerald Mole achieves 5 feet per hour on a good day, the little critter can dig 15 feet per hour in good soils. What most gardeners will be interested in is not how quickly [...]



Pruning Roses, Sprouts And Nightmare Weeds

February 1st, 2011 · No Comments · Garden Gadgets, Gardening News

If you want some indoor gardening activities while waiting for spring and a window farm does not appeal, why not grow some sprouts? Brussels sprouts are one of those vegetables that you either love or hate, but they are not what I am talking about. “How to grow sprouts” is the title of an article [...]

