- Image via Wikipedia
Everyone knows that they should avoid touching poison ivy and if they do the result is likely to be rather painful. While poison ivy declares its menace in its name, there are several other plants which can cause a nasty rash as Jane Milliman discovered to her cost. In her case the culprit was the gas plant, Dictamnus albus. Other plants that should be given a wide berth that Jane mentions in her article include wild parsnip and giant hogweed. Both of these are umbellifers and other members of that family can also cause rashes. These include dill, celery, parsnip and even the humble carrot. Read more..
Upside down tomato planters are very much old hat these days, but Tony Tangorra has given the idea a new twist with his Fence Top Gardening. He has produced a heavy-duty plastic bracket that attaches to the top of a fence and securely holds a pot. The patent pending container bracket fits all fence tops and allows you to grow from the bottom, side and top. Further details are available from his website and you can even buy the brackets from Amazon, although it was out of stock when I checked. Read more..
Major Clark Davis who lives in Dunlap decided that he would like to start growing vegetables, but did not want to dig up his lawn or have to erect rabbit proof fencing. I suppose he could have gone to Fence Top Gardening, but instead he took his inspiration from the Survival Blog.com. He has installed three 10-foot long, 6-inch diameter PVC pipes mounted horizontaly on wooden posts. The pipes are filled with Miracle Grow soil and seedlings are planted into holes drilled in the top of the pipes. The lowest pipe is 18 inches from the ground, too high for rabbits but high enough so he can still mow the grass underneath. Read more..
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