- Image via Wikipedia
As usual as the holiday season approaches there is no shortage of advice on suitable gifts for gardeners. Plants are popular presents, but some common varieties are a little tricky to care for indoors in the middle of winter. Poinsettias are a particular problem. In past years I have found articles advising you how to look after your poinsettia so that it will flower again next Christmas, but Bob Polomski who is an Extension Horticulturist at Clemson University has different ideas. In “What to do with holiday plants?” he tells how he deals with plant gifts once the holidays are over. Read more..
Writing in the Seattle Times, Ciscoe Morris has more advice on those holiday houseplants. Basically – do not eat them. While I can’t imagine anyone wanting to eat a poinsettia or an amaryllis bulb, it’s useful to be aware that they are poisonous and can cause serious harm both to humans and pets. And don’t hold your drink under the mistletoe in case one of its poisonous berries should fall into your glass. Read more..
Talking of mistletoe, if you plan to harvest some in the wild here’s some advice from one seasoned harvester, Bill Anderson from east Tennessee. Read more..
On a completely different note, if there are any reluctant gardeners among your friends and acquaintances, this story might encourage them to take another look at their backyard. A gardener from Derby in England was digging his garden when he discovered a stone bust shaped like a pharaoh. It turned out to be 4000 years old and worth an estimated $15,000. Mind you the chances of anyone else making a similar discovery are about as good as winning the lottery. Read more..
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