- Image via Wikipedia
If you have spent time and money installing a garden pond and stocking it with koi, the last thing you want is preditors stealing your precious fish. Luckily there are a number of ways that you can protect your koi and this artcle suggests several different methods. From the obvious one of making the pond too deep to allow a heron the stand to providing areas where the fish can hide in the depths are just two of the ideas you can find here. Read more..
It is a well known fact that back problems are one of the commonest reasons why people take time off work and digging in the garden can be a prime cause of the problem. For this reason people may be put off starting a new project in their backyard which involves digging, but there is another way as Cindy McNatt explains. “You can start a new bed anywhere in your landscape without lifting a shovel. No-dig gardening is easy and it works.” Read more..
So many of the gadgets that I review here turn out to be complicated pieces of machinery which are designed to carry out functions that traditional gardening methods achieve with far less cost and greater efficiency. I am thinking in particular of those fancy indoor plant growing systems where an old fashioned flower pot would serve just as well. For a change I have come across an electronic gadget that performs a useful function. The Electronic Bug Zapper kills mosquitoes and other flying insects both inside and outdoors as Owen Jones explains. Read more..
And finally here is a belated reminder that the October issue of Garden Ramblings is now online.
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