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What’s free, green and provides exercise in the fresh air? Well according to George Weigel it’s compost. Free because you are using grass clippings, fallen leaves and other plant matter from your own garden. Green because you are recycling matter that would otherwise have to be carted off to landfill and the outdoor exercise comes from building and turning the compost pile. In his article George dispels the common misconceptions about smelly piles that atttact rodents and then extols the benefits of compost in the garden. A useful reminder of why every yard should have at least one compost heap. Read more..
When I read the headline “Natural Selection and Macroevolution in your lifetime” I could not understand why this was included in a list of gardening articles. Furthermore the headline itself was hardly enticing, but I was curious and did read the article. At first glance it is about a particular species of lizard, but read on and you will discover how the lizard’s relationship with a variety of arum lily has changed the landscape of a Mediterranean island in just twenty years. Read more..
“As young gardeners, we put in youthful plants that proceed to grow in unexpected and often unintended ways. Suddenly, or so it seems, we become older gardeners and find ourselves trying to control the unwanted but perfectly natural behavior of mature plants.” This is a quote from “Gardening for a Lifetime — How to Garden Wiser as You Grow Older” by Sydney Eddison which is reviewed by Jim McLain in the Yakima Herald-Republic. Read his review and if you are interestd you can by the book at Amazon from the link below. Here’s the review.
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