Garden Supplies News » organic Wed, 01 Jun 2011 10:48:27 +0000 en hourly 1 Organic Loses Out On Vitamins And Antioxidants Thu, 24 Feb 2011 12:21:16 +0000 hughe
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    I’ve just come across a recent study that claims that vegetables grown using chemical fertilizers contain more vitamins and so may be better for you than organic produce. This is a report by the British consumer magazine Which? and has caused some consternation among organic gardeners. The claims follow a two year study growing potatoes, broccoli and tomatoes. The three vegetables were grown side by side, one using chemical based fertilizer and pesticides, the other organic feed. It seems that the non-organic potatoes contained more vitamin C than their organic counterparts. Similarly the non-organic broccoli contained more antioxidants and, probably most controversially, the non-organic tomatoes were rated higher by a panel of tasters. Read more..

    I’m sure that from time to time most of us have tried planting unusual seeds just to see if they would germinate and produce an interesting plant. Writing in the New York Times Michael Tortorello has taken this to the extreme. Emptying out his kitchen cupboards and his fridge he has assembled a huge array of seeds large and small to carry out his botanical experiment. Needless to say most had little chance from the start, but it makes a good story. Read more..


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