Entries Tagged as 'veggies'
Conventional wisdom tells us that shade is the last thing that vegetables need, but Mark Hoffman from Kempton, Illinois disagrees. He will tell you from personal experience that some shade can have unexpected benefits. For instance potatoes which are grown partly in shade are more resistant to leaf hoppers. While crops grown in shade will [...]
Tags:gadgets·guerilla gardening·proactive gardening·shade·vegetables·veggies·weeds
“No Excuses, Just Vegetables” is the title of an article by Mike Lieberman in which he shows how, with a little ingenuity, even apartment dwellers can grow their own veggies. “It’s worth the time and effort if you grow even one herb or vegetable. It will make a difference” he says. Of course he really [...]
No yard space to grow your veggies? No problem, just build your own Vertical Hydroponic Window Farm. Now anyone can grow crops. All you need is a window and the hydroponic kit. If you follow the link in the article to the WindowFarms Project website you will see that the latest version can grow 16 [...]
Tags:annie spiegelman·apartment garden·compost mulch·garden compost·hydroponic kit·master gardener·rainwater collection·solar hot water·vegetable garden·veggies·yard space·zealand students
“Staring at enticing photos of roses in magazines, books, and catalogs during winter makes it easy to conjure up images of warm days, fragrant blooms, and lush green foliage. But one look outside quickly snaps you back to reality: The garden’s a mess” is how Lynn Hunt introduces her piece on Spring Cleaning in the [...]
Combine the current enthusiasum for growing your own veggies with the concerns about the use of pesticides and you will see how Tressa Eaton can make such a persuasive case for turning your lawn into an edible garden. “When we put pesticides onto our lawns they run off into sewers, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Consequently, [...]