Shortly after I moved to my present home some seven years ago, I planted two plum trees. One was a greengage and the other a victoria plum. At the garden center there were several fine specimens of the victoria plum, but with the greengage it was a different story. As far as I can remember there were only two and both looked in pretty poor shape. But I was determined to have a greengage so I chose the better of the two and crossed my fingers that it would not die on me as soon as I had planted it in my garden. The two pictures show the current state of play. They are of course dwarf stock and so will never grow tall, but as you can see one is growing far more strongly than the other. The sickly greengage is the one in the top hand picture and the victoria plum below goes from bad to worse. Every year branches die off which accounts for its ungainly shape. Having said that the victoria has so far produced a larger crop, but I can’t see that happening this year.
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We grow both victoria plums and greengage. The plum fruits wonderfully, the greengage not at all (so far) Both are very healthy trees. Strange isn’t it?