January 7, 2009 12:07 - Eat the View and Powerful Puffballs
"Gardening you can do in winter" is the title of this piece by Annette Ipsan who is the Extension educator for horticulture and the Master Gardener program in Washington County. Adding winter interest to your garden is her theme. And this is the ideal time to make your plans. While the trees and shrubs are bare of leaves you can clearly see the structure of your garden and this gives you the opportunity to consider where you can add some new colors or shapes to liven up the winter scene. Read more..
Kitchen Gardeners International is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to the promotion of kitchen gardening, home-cooking, and sustainable local food systems. Their website is full of useful information on growing vegetables not only in the United Staes but also around the world. Currently they are promoting their "Eat the View" campaign for the creation of an organic vegetable garden at the White House. They are asking gardeners, locavores, and other green-minded people to give 10 minutes of their time to support the campaign. Read more..
Growing through tarmac is not the generally accepted way of cultivating mushrooms, but this is a phenomenon that Durant Ashmore has experienced in his yard. Every other year or so a hump some 6 inches across rising to a height of 3 or 4 inches appears in his ashphalt driveway. Then head of a puffball mushroom emerges. Read more..
Almost without exception houseplants require light to enable them to thrive and so this often means that our windowsills end up crowded with plants. Now Gardener's Supply Company have come up with a novel idea which allows you to position your houseplants where ever you want, yet still provide them with all the light they need. Their Sun Shelf Plant Stands include an energy-efficient T-5 fluorescent lamp which provides plenty of bright, full-spectrum light to keep plants happy almost anywhere in your home. Read more..
garden gardening
January 27, 2009 15:37 - Switch Grass, Cherry Brandy and a Guerrilla
In "Gardeners count down to spring" Jessica Damiano notes that "February falls smack in the middle of winter" and that means only one thing "We're over the hump of the dreaded off-season". To keep us busy while we're waiting she has complied a list of 28 tasks. Starting with a reminder to order those seed catalogs ASAP followed by an old saw about groundhogs, she then launches into her selection of jobs that will more than keep us busy for the next six weeks. But you are allowed to relax when you reach number 28, "It's the weekend. Carve out some time to stop and smell the witch hazel". Read more..
Under the heading of "Winter Therapy" Jessica Damiano has added a couple of photos to her blog as a reminder of summer.
Ethel Fried is also looking back as she reviews the 2008 season in her garden in West Hartford. After mentioning various ups and downs including an extremely violent hailstorm which caused extensive damage, she then describes a number of new plant varieties which she has grown during the year. Top of her list is a new native switch grass, but you will also find descriptions of "a charming heirloom crocus, a new zinnia called "Apricot Blush", two new tender salvias and an award-winning bearded iris". Read more..
Guerrilla gardening is never far from the news these days, but this is the first time that I have heard of someone being honored for their work on this field. Wendy Whiteley has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. She has created an enchanted garden at Lavender Bay overlooking Sydney harbour from derelict railway land. Read more..
And finally, "Cherry Brandy Wins the Green Thumb". And if you want to know what that's all about, Read more..
garden gardening