Garden Supplies

Garden Gnome Gallery

If you would like to buy one of these charming characters for your yard, click on the picture and you will be taken to the merchant's store. Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate.

Welcome from a sleeping gnome

Welcome Gnome Welcome from my bench
     Sleepy welcome     Welcome gnome Welcome on the bench

Smiling gnome Birdfeeder gnome Toad house gnome
      Smiling Gnome    Birdfeeder Gnome   Toad House Gnome

Gnome with Solar Light Waterer Gnome Gnome with cart
Gnome with solar lamp      Waterer Gnome   Gnome with cart

Birdfeeder gnome Bookworm gnome Gnome with windchime
   Birdfeeder Gnome    Bookworm Gnome  Gnome with Windchime


Gnome in hammock
Gnome in Hammock



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